Nyhet från Dupuytren Research Group

Dear Swedish Association for Hand Rehabilitation
Here’s a new Dupuytren Research Group blog post: https://dupuytrens.org/women-with-dupuytren-disease/
We’re still asking for people to submit short selfie videos describing the impact of Dupuytren on their lives. There were some technical issues with the video upload page which have been corrected: https://dupuytrens.org/share-your-story/ Upload a video of your Dupuytren story right from your phone, mobile device or other computer, and help raise awareness about Dupuytren disease and related conditions.
Charles Eaton MD
Executive Director
Dupuytren Research Group / Dupuytren Foundation
Please consider remembering the Dupuytren Foundation during your year-end giving and in your estate planning. When you do, please let us know so that we may thank you.
Dupuytren Research Group www.dupuytrens.org
1850 Forest Hill Blvd STE 201, West Palm Beach, FL 33406-6064, United States (561) 429-8279
Dupuytren Research Group is a 501(c)3 Public Charity ID 26-3886958 for tax deductible donations.

Nationell riktlinje för ECHT

SFH har tagit fram nationella riktlinjer för att kunna söka vidare till den europeiska certifieringen ECHT.

Vad är ECHT?

”The European Certified Hand Therapist (ECHT) is a higher certification process that builds on national qualifications. It aims to recognise highly qualified hand therapy specialists across Europe. The early ECHTs report personal recognition from gaining the ECHT. It increases their profile in their own country and within Europe. It also raises the profile of the profession and offers recognition to therapists who continue to practice and actively continue their professional development. The ECHT is designed for therapists that work with patients. Achieving the ECHT demonstrates a therapist’s commitment to professional development and achievement.”

Läs mer här:

Lästips inför Handdagarna

Här kommer lite lästips inför Handdagarna 2018. På grund av upphovsrätten kan vi ej lägga fullängdsartiklar, men förhoppningsvis kommer ni åt dem via era arbetsplatser eller bibliotek.